Online Registration


Dates: May 30 - June 3, 2024

Meets: Th, F, Sa and M from 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM

SFSD Staff Registration Fee: $120.00

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The purpose of the Native Studies for Educators course is to facilitate an understanding of the people, histories, cultures, and environments of the Oceti Sakowin, with sovereign governments and lands in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Montana. Participants are encouraged to think critically about Oceti Sakowin world view and values including, but not limited to, kinship, oral tradition, and stereotyping. This course covers seven Federal Indian Policy eras, comprising information from the pre-European contact to the present. We also focus on the South Dakota Indian Education Act as it pertains to teaching the history and culture of the Oceti Sakowin and the effective use of the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in the classroom.

4 Class Sessions (Face-to-Face only) + 15 Hours Outside Assignments

THIS COURSE MAY BE USED FOR THE SD DOE NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES REQUIREMENT. Please contact the SD DOE for your specific certification requirements.

Per the SD DOE Certification Requirements website: "South Dakota Codified Law 13-1-48, requires any teacher new to the profession, from out-of-state, or certified after 1993 shall complete a three-credit-hour course in South Dakota Indian studies."

You can find this information on the SD DOE website under Certification Requirements. Please contact the SD DOE regarding questions for your specific certification BEFORE MAY 16 .

READ FULLY TO CORRECTLY ENROLL IN THE CLASS: After you have logged in, select the "ENROLL" button. Then select the appropriate fee then "Proceed to Checkout". "Payment Options" will come up. There will be a "credit card" tab and an "Invoice" tab. PICK the "Invoice" tab. Then click "Submit Invoice". The "Transaction Completed" screen will come up as an Enrollment Confirmation. You will also receive an email confirmation. Keep it for future reference. No Invoice will be sent. Payment is due at the first class.

CLASS MATERIALS: The following book(s) must be acquired. You can order them through Amazon.

1. Mni Sota Makoce: The Land of the Dakota (ISBN-13 978-0873518697) purchase before the first class.

2. Waterlily (ISBN 979-0-8032-1904-5) purchase before the first class.

Your SFSD Registration fee is due at the first class. $120 for SFSD employees or $180 for non-SFSD participants. You may pay by cash or by check made payable to SFSD.

Choose between CECH (45) or college credit (3) which is available for purchase ($135). College registration information will be sent to participants before the first class. College registration must be completed before the first class. A letter grade will be given.

RED APPLE WORKSHOPS POLICY: Attendance at all sessions & completion of all class assignments on time is expected from participants. Any deviations may be reflected in your grade.
Fee: $120.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)SFSD Staff Registration Fee$ 120.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Non-SFSD Regsitration Fee$ 180.00

Janet Fleming-Martin

Ann Robertson

Date Day Time Location
05/30/2024Thursday8 AM to 4:45 PM Lincoln High School Room E115
05/31/2024Friday8 AM to 4:45 PM Lincoln High School Room E115
06/01/2024Saturday8 AM to 4:45 PM Lincoln High School Room E115
06/03/2024Monday8 AM to 4:45 PM Lincoln High School Room E115


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